The World Doesn’t Need More Fighters; It Needs More Visionaries.
“The world we have created is a product of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
-Albert Einstein
Tomorrow is my 48th birthday.
Bear with me while I have a little amateur fun with numerology, ok? The number 48 reduces to 12 (4+8=12), and the number 12 reduces further into the number 3 (1+2=3). Therefore, this year is essentially a number 3 year for me. (There are other ways to determine the numerical value of the year for oneself, but this is how I am guided to work with it for myself in this moment.) The number 3 is the expression of the Trinity. In my understanding, the Trinity represents Spirit, Soul and Body, or Thought, Feeling and Action. This Trinity is operating within each of us, always and everywhere, because it is how the creative process works.
You see, we exist on 3 planes.
1. We are pure Spirit; expressions of the Universal Creative Intelligence that is the Source and Substance of all things. This is the realm of pure Thought, which constitutes the spiritual prototype of everything in existence.
2. We each have a soul which expresses itself uniquely and most distinctly as the subconscious mind, also known as the Heart.
3. We have bodies which are the vehicles through which we interact with the physical dimension through the actions that we take.
It is in the interplay of these 3 aspects that the creative process is always taking place. As hu-mans, we are always man-ifesting. In fact, that’s all that we do! The word “man” means measurer, or distributer. We are distributers of an undifferentiated creative energy that continually flows through us, to express Itself in the physical world. In other words, as humans, we exist at the crossroads between heaven and earth, continually directing the Creative Power via the thoughts we think, which generate our feelings, which compel us to act.
I have come to realize that the main reason that things are as they are on the earth is because humanity has not yet learned how to take conscious, deliberate charge of this process. There are thousands of years of misperceptions, false beliefs, destructive assumptions and unhealthy paradigms that have been unconsciously directing the Creative Power that is flowing through each of us.
Think of it this way: We are the “filters” through which the pure “water of Life” (Spirit) is continually flowing. It doesn’t matter how pure the “water” is (and trust me, it’s eternally Pure); if the filter through which it is flowing is full of impurities, then the water that issues forth is colored in that same way as well.
Or, think of it this way: Life is like a movie. What we see on the screen is the physical experience. The film that is running through the projector is our thoughts/beliefs, and the light that shines through the film is pure Spirit, the eternal Creative Intelligence. What’s the only thing that we can change in this metaphor? The film! To change what we see on the screen we must change the film!!!
Are you grasping the incredibly powerful and exciting implications of this, both personally and collectively?
I used to feel utterly hopeless and despondent about the state of the world. I gave up on activism and politics long ago because I intuitively felt that they were ineffective, that we were just shuffling the same cards, so to speak. Deep down I knew that change had to occur on the spiritual level, in consciousness to be truly effective, but I didn’t understand how. Now I do, and I’m on a mission to share this understanding with as many people as possible!
To create lasting change on earth we must change our minds. We must take conscious charge of the creative process by learning how to change the predominant paradigms that are operating within our own subconscious minds. We must learn how to think from the end, and the end must be glorious if we are to experience glorious outcomes.
We must learn to take our focus off the physical world and place our dominant attention on the Inner Vision. Within our own minds, using the divine gifts of imagination and will, we must see the world and our individual lives as healed, whole, vital, loving, prosperous, beautiful, majestic, and thriving. In other words, we must become visionaries. Why? Because every physical thing began and begins as a sustained thought before taking form. Everything! It is our attention that collapses the wave into a particle. Quantum physics has proven this through the Observer Effect. What are you habitually placing your attention upon? Your results, and our collective results, never lie.
The world doesn’t need more fighters; it needs more visionaries.
This is the year in which I step more fully into my Purpose, which is to guide and support as many people as possible to become the visionaries of their own lives, and beyond, through learning how to consciously work with the Trinity of spirit (mind), soul (heart) and body.
I am stepping up my game and upgrading my offerings to match.
I have been studying and applying the art and science of the creative process for several years, and I have been mentored by the very best in the field. I’ve been training and evolving to be able to increase my capacity to serve.
I am a certified facilitator of Bob Proctor’s widely renowned goal-achieving program, Thinking into Results, which takes the most seemingly complicated principles of manifestation and distills them into 12 easy to follow lessons that enable you to become the creative director of your life and achieve goals that were previously beyond your wildest dreams. Anyone can use this program to achieve anything. It is truly remarkable what takes place over these 6 months!
But this is not what most qualifies me to be your mentor and guide.
What qualifies me most profoundly is that I have studied and applied this material in my own life. I have experienced profound changes for the better in my relationships, finances and health. I’ve learned how to change my own paradigms. I’ve dealt with my own habitual resistance to change. I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t work when going through the process, and I’m still learning! (I will always be learning.) Most importantly, I have found lasting happiness through this work of changing my mind. I have found the true source of wellbeing and wealth, which is in my conscious relationship with my Infinite Self, which is the Divine.
I have gained something that brings lasting improvement and increase to my life, which is total faith that All is well, eternally, which moves me to tears of joy on a regular basis. I understand the universal laws that are operating and how to work with them, which is what has brought this faith into my life. This is what I was searching for all along, even though I thought I wanted more time and money freedom. I realize now that those desires were like the carrot that the Divine was dangling before me, drawing me closer and closer to Itself. In this conscious connection I have found that all good things naturally flow, because Life Itself is inherently Good. It’s Primally Good.
This Goodness was here all along, but I couldn’t experience it because I had a lot of beliefs that were causing significant resistance. Once these were replaced by new beliefs and paradigms everything in my life upgraded to match. This is how it works, for everyone who goes through this process.
With this knowledge I go through life with an open heart and an abundance of love to give. Nothing feels impossible or hopeless to me anymore. I am in a continual state of receiving support and guidance from the Infinite Intelligence within me, which dwells in my subconscious mind, in my heart. I am fully on my Path and living on Purpose, here to serve humanity with compassion, love, and a bit of grit.
If you are reading this and feel “something” within you perk up, that’s your sign. Follow it! It is your intuition leading you in the direction that is for your highest good, which is ultimately the highest good for all. Reach out to me! Let’s connect and see if we would be a good fit to work together. There is a new cohort that is currently forming for my mentorship program and it’s going to be a very potent one! If you have put your most cherished goals and dreams on the back burner and have been settling for something less, this is the group for you! You will be supported and guided to become the visionary director of your own life, to actualize your most magnificent ideas in physical form. It’s time for as many people as possible to rise up and express the potential that has been locked up inside, for the benefit of the entire planet. Let’s work together to reveal heaven on earth, Here and Now.