the Inner Vision Method
What is the Inner Vision Method?
The Inner Vision Method teaches you how to translate your heart’s greatest desires into tangible goals. It then trains you to think, feel and behave like the person who has already achieved them, thus becoming a vibrational match to the good that you are wanting. This enables your goal to move into form with ease, without struggle and strain. We do this through several key components:
*Creative visualization.
*Development and strengthening of the higher mental faculties (imagination, will, intuition, perception, memory, and reason).
*Deepening of faith through in-depth study of the Universal Laws and scientific prayer.
*Transformation of limiting subconscious beliefs through autosuggestion.
*Upgrading of daily habits through the cultivation of self-discipline.
*Creation of a new subconscious self-image.

“I met Sara on a Free Discovery Call last fall after a friend recommended her coaching. I immediately felt so at ease when our call began. Sara’s genuine care and continued check-ins since then have been so deeply supportive of my growth. Her presence, insights and wisdom hit the mark every time. She will call you out and call you higher in the most genuine and loving way. If you have the opportunity to meet her, get ready for your life to be changed.”
Why does this work?
We live in an energetic, vibrational universe. Science has established that matter is energy, that it is never created or destroyed, and that it is always moving and changing. Behind the façade of physical appearance, life is operating on frequencies. Life is also operating according to specific laws. Just as you cannot tune into the jazz station on the radio and expect to hear reggae, you also cannot express your old thoughts, feelings and behaviors and expect to achieve your expansive goals. The Law of Cause and Effect states that what is expressed (cause) will be matched in physical form (effect). You can’t become financially prosperous while thinking/expressing thoughts of lack. You can’t feel unlovable and expect to attract the relationship of your dreams. You can’t feel stressed and expect to be at ease. This is basic to the Law of Vibration, and the Law of Vibration is primary to the Law of Attraction.
The Inner Vision Method teaches you to shift your focus from the frequency of what is and onto the frequency of what is becoming. The physical manifestation begins to happen when you learn how to stand in the “vibrational shoes” of the person who already has what they are wanting. As you shift your attention from the “how”, and instead focus on the “who”, you become a powerful magnet to your goals. This is how you fulfill your true purpose as a conscious co-creator of your life experiences and step into the power that is your birthright. You truly are an unlimited being living in an unlimited field of potentiality. The Inner Vision Method teaches you to step into this as a lived experience and achieve anything you truly wish to create. The biggest blessing of this work is that it requires you to learn how to feel good and enjoy life in the here and now. That is the real reward of this process, and it is what uplifts the entire planet, one person at a time.

“Talking with Sara is a positive reminder about how my mind functions. I appreciate her statements about what's true and also find her real life experiences to be extremely helpful in navigating my own life with ease.”
— ANN H.