The Miraculous Life

Quantum Leap Your Results in 2025!

Beginning January 8th.

Are you tired of working hard and yet always coming up short in your finances, relationships, creative fulfillment and overall wellbeing?

Do you have big goals and dreams for your life but feel at a loss about how to bring them to fruition?

Are you wanting to dramatically increase your income in the new year?

Are you yearning for deeply fulfilling and harmonious relationships?

Do you have a strong desire to know your Purpose and to live it every day?

Are you wanting more inspiration and motivation?

Have you been studying manifestation and the Law of Attraction and feel that you understand it, but you still aren’t seeing the results of this understanding in your life?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, I have great news for you!

You don’t have to continue to plod along.

You can take a quantum leap this coming year!

It’s time to take the quantum leap that you’ve been calling in.

It’s time to allow the infinite love, abundance, vitality and beauty of the Universe to flow in your life!

It’s time to learn how to deliberately cooperate with the Power that supports you unconditionally to manifest the results that you desire.

It’s time to live the Miraculous Life.

Success does not need to be slow and incremental!

We live in a quantum universe where infinite possibilities coexist in one eternal Now.

You can step into a new version of yourself that has an entirely new set of circumstances connected with it!

You have infinite potential; it’s just a matter of learning how to unlock and unleash it.

Welcome friend! I am so happy and grateful that you are here. You have come a long way and have been through a lot! You have been searching for the “missing puzzle piece” that will finally make everything click so that you can live the life that you have been longing for from the depths of your heart.

I get it. Really, I do! I understand what you’ve been going through because I have been there myself. I spent the greater part of three decades wondering why my life was so vastly different from the visions and ideals that I wrote about in my journals. I was struggling financially and in my relationships. I was tired and overwhelmed a lot. I yearned to know my Purpose and to boldly live it with complete certainty.

Most importantly, I longed for a tangible connection with the Divine that would enable me to live my life in absolute faith that All is Well, personally and collectively.

I tried so many healing modalities, took so many courses (many of which I never finished), studied with many teachers, and always came up short. I was faced daily with the stark contrast between how I would love my life to be and how it actually was, and this was incredibly frustrating and depressing.

A few years ago, something miraculous happened. I found the “missing puzzle piece”! My prayers were unexpectedly answered in the form of a white-haired man in a suit, named Bob Proctor.

Bob helped me to understand myself and my circumstances in a new way. He taught me about the laws of the Universe, how my mind works and where my results come from. He taught me the spiritual science of deliberate living. He showed me something so valuable, that I absolutely needed in order to live a life of prosperity, happiness and success. This “something” was how to change my subconscious beliefs, habits and self image.

You see, the laws of the Universe are universal and precise. No matter who you are, no matter what your background is, no matter what your goals are, you always get an exact match to who you are being.

This means that in order to change your results and circumstances, you must first change the patterns that are running within you.

Going through Bob’s Thinking Into Results program was the beginning of a new life for me. I dove into the material with gusto and became acquainted with another mentor, Neville Goddard, who taught me how to successfully operate the Law of Assumption to bring any desire into physical form. This work wove perfectly with Bob’s goal achieving lessons and I soon found my “same old, same old” life transforming before my eyes.

This was not without sacrifice, let me tell you! I had to get ruthless about letting go of everything that did not match my new assumptions and beliefs. So many well worn habits of thinking, feeling and behaving had to go!

Most importantly, I had to upgrade how I felt about and saw myself. I had to embrace myself as an expression of the Divine, fully worthy of everything that I deeply desired.

This is the key to taking a quantum leap in your results, dear friend. It’s about recognizing and remembering who you really are.

Everything I went through to transform my own mind and my own circumstances has prepared me for this moment, which is the launching of my mentorship program 2.0: The Miraculous Life.

This group is the place where science and spirituality come together in a wonderfully practical and mystical way.

It’s where you will learn how to be the deliberate creator of your life through studying and correctly applying the laws of the universe to achieve your most magnificent goals.

The Miraculous Life mentorship program will support you to take a quantum leap in your results.

  • You will be coached by myself and Bob Proctor in the art and science of deliberate co-creation with the Universe to achieve any goal that you choose, financial and personal.

  • You will experience significant improvement in your finances, relationships and overall happiness.

  • You will be surrounded by like minded people who are committed to upgrading their lives and living their dreams. This will make a significant impact on your overall wellbeing and your results, because you will feel seen and supported in a whole new way and positively influenced by the collective.

  • You will gain an in-depth understanding of the universal laws, which will bring you a tremendous sense of inner peace, supporting you to permanently shift from worry and anxiety to ease and relaxation.

  • You will connect with your Purpose and courageously step into living it.

  • You will upgrade your habits and become the next best version of yourself, which will benefit everyone who comes in contact with you, especially your family and co-workers.

  • You will become unshakably confident in yourself and in the infallible support of the Universe.

  • You will become an excellent decision maker and action taker.

  • You will develop excellent leadership skills.

  • You will shine like the gem that you truly are!

And here’s the really exciting news…

Drumroll please!

For the launch of The Miraculous Life program, I’ve decided to put myself on the hook for the very first time in my coaching career.

I'm betting on you as a most excellent student of this material and on myself as an exceptional coach and mentor.

I'm wagering that you will at least double your income by the end of our 6 months together, otherwise you don't have to finish paying me! 

That's right, you read that correctly.

If you sign up to work with me by December 31st you will only pay half price. Then, if you have successfully doubled your income by the end of our 6 months together, you will happily pay me the remainder, and if not, you don't have to pay me anything else!

This will be completely by the honor system. I won't be asking for your bank statements or anything like that. I trust you implicitly because I know that you deeply desire to live in harmony with the universal laws and any deceit on your end would be a direct violation of these laws and would only hinder your progress and prosperity in the future. Therefore, it's up to you to be honest and forthcoming, and I know that this will be easy for you because you are going to be crushing it.

You are going to be receiving so much abundance that the tuition remainder will be a piece of cake. 

Why on earth am I doing this?
Because the Infinite Intelligence within me told me to! I have asked for guidance about how I can serve more people in a greater way, and I was given these instructions. Because I have up leveled my belief in myself, in this material, and in you. We're in this together. We are ushering prosperity together. There is no "me and you"; only unique expressions of the One Mind and this Mind is asking us all to have more faith.

I can't ask you to have faith if I'm not demonstrating it myself. I can't ask you to have an abundance mindset if I'm not modeling it myself. I can't ask you to have confidence in yourself and in this material if I'm not showing you in a bold way that I have so much of it! And so I'm making this seemingly crazy move. 

This is how much I believe in you, in myself, in Bob's TIR program, and in the power of this material. 

If there's ever been a time to join me, it's Now. Not only is this an incredible offer, but this group is going to be extremely potent and powerful! We are going places together! We are stepping out of the old story of lack and limitation and quantum leaping together this coming year. It's going to happen fast! It's going to be nothing short of miraculous. And, because of this new payment structure, I have an added incentive to do my absolute best to ensure that your results are phenomenal.

I highly recommend that you act on this before my paradigm talks me out of it, because believe me, it's trying! I honestly don’t know if I will continue this policy in the new year because at the moment it’s an experiment, albeit a really good one!

This is my way of expressing my confidence in you, because I know that you don't yet have it for yourself. That will come. In the meantime, borrow mine. I am putting myself on the hook to show you and the Universe how much I believe in you, in myself and in this work.

So, are you in?

Are you going to let another year go by? Are you going to continue to allow your old programming to run the show and determine the kind of life you are living?

Or, are you going to take a leap of faith and come along with me to live your most miraculous life, starting NOW?

There is a saying, “A leap of faith never fails!”, and it’s true! Because true faith is 100% belief and it is always your beliefs that create the facts of your life.

In fact, a quantum leap is a leap of faith.